Change Communication


Independent if your company is in a post merger integration phase, or you want to implement a new process or a new IT-System, an open communication is important in all change situations.  Depending on your situation, I advise you with a comprehensive analysis of the current situation: How are the current communication ways, how do the employees and customers cope with the Change? These are only a few of the questions  which are included in the analyses.  


focus on Stakeholder Management

Based on the analyses I advise you with the building of an effective stakeholder management to make sure that all necessary players are involved in the change process. Your leaders will be optimally prepared to the coming changes and possible questions from the employees. Especially in times of changes which imply insecurities within the staff a trust-building and straight communication is key. To ensure this, I support you with the preparation of a tailormade communication plan. It includes the corresponding communication activities and recommendations structured by hierarchy levels. Should there be times, where results cannot yet be published, it is important to drive an open and process-oriented communication to avoid any kind of rumours.


AVOIDING communication gaps

During the implementation phase of the communication plan, I do not only support you with executing the change management activities and the creation of corresponding communication instruments, but also with the identification of possible communication gaps and mitigation actions.


consulting Services at a glance

  • Consulting during change processes: 
    - Post merger integration
    - Introduction of new corporate strategies, processes and IT-Systems 
  • Analyses of corporate communication and change readiness 
  • Stakeholder management (mapping, interviews, workshops, change coaching)
  • Creation of communication plans for all hierarchy levels 
  • Support in implementation of change communication and preparation of change management toolkits (presentations, workshops, guidelines, newsletters)
  •  Execution of change impact analyses